Sesame oil rubbed on the skin may soothe a minor burn or sunburn as well as help in the healing process.
It's not unusual to encounter fantastic claims attributed to a single food. Sesame seed oil is said to remove wrinkles when applied to the skin in a facial massage. If this news gets out, there won't be a bottle left on the grocery shelves!
Eat some sesame seeds to relieve constipation and to remove worms from the intestinal tract. They're an aid to digestion, stimulate blood circulation, and benefit the nervous system. Sesame oil makes ideal massage oil because of its excellent emollient properties.
Applied topically, sesame oil is thought to aid in healing chronic diseases of the skin. With its vitamin E content, it's also a benefit to the heart and nervous system.
Cardiovascular Health Sesame butter is a good source of phytosterols. Research has shown that these naturally occurring compounds in plants reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. Sesame seeds also contain special fibers known as sesamin and sesamolin. These have the capacity to lower cholesterol and prevent high blood pressure. The seeds are a good source of magnesium which helps to relax blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. This improves blood circulation and supports cardiovascular health. Essential fatty acids in ground sesame seeds help in the formation of a special hormone known as prostaglandins. This hormone helps to reduce hypertension. Essential fatty acids also lower the risk of blood clotting which improves heart health.
Brain HealthOmega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids improve the health of the brain. They support healthy development of nervous tissues. They also optimize cognitive functions and emotional health. Omega-3 enhances clarity in thought processes and improves memory. Research has established that essential fatty acids can help delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Sesame paste is a good source of manganese which supports nerve functions. It also supports optimal brain performance. Inadequate intake of manganese can inhibit memory functions and result in severe memory loss.
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