Grapes can be eaten fresh or dried (raisins) or can be consumed as a grape juice. Although seedless grapes are highly sought after for table grapes, the absence of seeds does diminish the phytochemical content of the grape. To receive the maximum nutrients from grapes, it is recommended that the seeds are also consumed.
Many of the health benefits attributed to red/purple grapes are due to the pigments that are concentrated largely in the skin and seeds, which have about 100 times higher level than the pulp of the grape.
Grapes are rich in content with water, protien, fat, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron) and vitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin A and P). Due to its rich content of sugar which is formed of glucose, they are easily absorbed in the body soon after its consumption thus supplying heat and energy within a short time.

Health benefits are massive and can be illustrated as follows:
1. Cancer:
Grapes seem to be very good cancer fighting fruit. (They are an excellent source of health promoting flavonoids. Usually, the stronger the color of the grapes, the concentration of flavonoids are found higher.)
Grapes are also rich in ellagic acid, a potent flavonoid that helps fight cancer. Besides there is a substance found in the skin (not flesh) of grapes, called "resveratrol". Researchers reported in a study that resveratrol is converted in the body to a known anti-cancer agent that can selectively target and destroy cancer cells.
Besides, red grape skins and seeds contain recently isolated compounds shown to reduce the size of estrogen-dependent breast cancer tumors.
Still more interesting fact is that grapes acts as a preventative agent in prostrate, lung, liver, and breast cancer.
2. Heart Disease:
Grapes are abundantly useful in the treatment of heart disease as they tone up the heart and are effective in cardiac pain and palpitation of the heart. Besides grape juice is highly valuable for a person who is suffering from a heart attack which will avert serious consequences and by reducing the pain and palpitation.
Also eating fresh grapes may prevent the accumulation of harmful oxidized cholesterol as well as the development of atherosclerotic lesions. According to the study, as reported in the Journal of Nutrition (vol. 135, pp. 722-728, 2005.), naturally occurring antioxidants in fresh grapes known as polyphenols are believed to be responsible for this beneficial impact.
The flavonoid compounds found in grapes called resveratrol appear to decrease the risk of heart disease by:
-Reducing platelet clumping and harmful blood clots
-Protecting LDL cholesterol from the free radical damage that initiates LDL's artery-damaging actions
-Boosts good type of HDL cholesterol
They are also known to keep heart flexible and healthy.
3. Blood Pressure:
The intake of grapes regularly in our diet reduces the risk of hypertension.
4. Alzheimer's disease: Resveratrol, a beneficial polyphenol present in grapes reduces the levels of amyloidal-beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Studies suggest that grapes can enhance brain health and stall the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.
5. Constipation:
As grapes are a laxative food, it is valuable in relieving constipation. It tones up the stomach and intestine and relieves the most chronic cases of constipation. When fresh grapes are not available, raisins soaked in water can be used.
6. Dyspepsia:
Grapes constitute a light food that eliminates indigestion and irritation of the stomach and, is valuable in dyspepsia.
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