Not only should you start eating raw right away, there are certain high energy foods you absolutely shouldn’t be without. These are foods that provide a maximum amount of nutrition and energy, helping you burn away fat and finally be rid of your constant feeling of exhaustion. You should try to eat one of these each day.
As I’ve said before on this blog, I’m not offering you a diet. A diet is a temporary solution to a lifestyle problem. I am offering you a new lifestyle; one based in health, nature, and a new relationship to food. When you choose eating for energy food, instead of the processed, cooked, sugary foods most people eat today, you choose a whole new way forward.
Only once you begin can you fully realize the raw food difference. It is truly incredible, but no one can understand it without actually experiencing it for themselves. If you are still having doubts, why not try eating raw for just a few days? You may notice you feel hungry, or have cravings for salts and sugars, but you will also notice that you have a lot more energy, are more mentally alert, and that you experience fewer aches and pains. You will see for yourself how raw food high energy foods can totally change your life.
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