Monday, September 19, 2011

Cooking For Kids

Pete Solomita knows a thing or two about cooking with kids. As chef/owner of the Little Buddy Biscuit Company, he creates sweet treats that delight the children of Brooklyn and their parents alike. He also teaches healthy cooking classes for young people of various age groups at his alma mater, the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts. Where he's really got his work cut out for him, though, is at home, where instilling healthy eating and cooking habits in his five-year-old son Jack is no small feat. We asked him to give us some tips on getting kids involved in the kitchen, and how to make standard kid fare more healthful.

Kid-food expert Cricket Azima shows how easy it can be to make fun, simple and healthy food. From Breakfast Pizza to Tortellini Totem Poles, find 5 kid-friendly meal ideas.

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