Sunday, October 9, 2011

Do You Know Hot Pot Home Delivery

This is a country where nothing is easy, but everything is possible. Proof?  You can have hot pot delivered to your door.
Haidilao, Beijing’s popular hot pot chain restaurant is taking the elaborate-yet-casual experience of huoguo to your doorstep. They even bring the pot. After you’re done, they’ll take all the dishes back and clean up a bit.
The reason fro the delivery service is purported to be the restaurant’s insane popularity. Line ups now surround Haidilao branches, and although the restaurant offers free tea, shoe shines and manicures to waiting customers, after waiting 2 to 3 hours at times, hot pot can start to sound not so hot after all. Haidilao has remedied this by offering the home delivery service. The minimum order is RMB500, but the prices are quite reasonable, so you’ll be feeding a full household at that price.

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