Green tea has been marked for thousand of decades now as a healthy drink. As drinking green tea has become part of the daily routine of most people, more and more have been advocating this because of the health benefits it can provide to its drinkers. In study, it’s known that Chinese and Japanese were initially the ones to be drinking this beverage, but because of its healthy benefits, drinking green tea regularly has been advocated all over the world.
Medically speaking, this kind of tea has been claimed to prevent illnesses and believed to help lose weight as well. Anyone who drinks green tea produces heat in the body that causes the extra calories or fats to get burned or scientifically known as Thermogenesis. As a result, green tea has become a trend since thousand years ago and even more popular in the contemporary period. Who would not enjoy the benefits of green tea and weight loss in a healthy way?
People who usually wish to lose weight are typically those who complain of slow body metabolism and green tea is known to speed this up. When the person’s metabolism increases, chances are, the body is capable to burn more fat and calories that of course would cause weight loss.
Diabetics are strongly encouraged to take this healthy drink as green tea also serves as an anti oxidant which is also called as epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG) and this drink also contains caffeine that stimulates the body to lose fat into the bloodstream that converts as its fuel.
Caffeine is studied to be helpful in boosting one’s energy and energy helps people to move longer and faster that ofcourse when done, would definitely burn extra fats and calories.
Because of the people’s advocacy to this healthy drink, Boresha has designed a product that people would enjoy experiencing green tea and weight loss in one time, remember, “at the same time”. NUVOGENE TEA is the best green tea that provides health benefits and claims to have no side effects when properly taken.