Monday, November 28, 2011

Healthy Drinks Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight is a long process so patience and determination is strongly needed to make this happen. Healthy lifestyle is as well is intensely recommended thus it is important to have your weight loss diet kept on track and health drinks and foods recorded. Here are the healthy drinksthat you can consume as you’re having your diet.

Green tea. This drink is best substitute for sodas and latte. As you are on a diet, you are not allowed to take full calories foods and drinks just like what are sodas and latte containing. Incorporating this drink to your diet is a great help for your effective weight loss as it contains photochemicals that perform as stimulants improve metabolism and diminish your appetite. Hence, this helps the body to burn most calories Milk. – Milk contains calcium that helps the body break down fats into fat cells. Aside from the nutritious contents this drink has, it can help also the body to burn the accumulated fats in the body that always cause someone embarrassing corpulence. Just choose low fat and skim milk.

Cold Water. – this is the most popular and affordable drink across the world. This perfectly contains zero calories and serves as a appetite suppressant. This will make you full in longer hours so it prevents you from craving more food. Drinking plenty of water as well can help you increase your metabolism. So more calories are burned in no time. Eight glasses of water a day is highly recommended.

Vegetable Juice – These healthy drinks are recommended to be consumed as often as possible to accelerate weight loss process. These contain many essential nutrients and less calories than any drinks that highly beneficial to body and for weight loss as it also contains dietary fiber.

There are lots of ways to stay fit and look good. No need to bring yourself into danger by taking dangerous weight loss activities. Having a healthy lifestyle is the greatest choice you can give yourself. Stay beautiful! Stay Healthy!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Healthier Drinks Give You A Healthier Lifestyle

You need water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to your organs and tissues. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs. That is why we have different kinds ofhealthy drinks available in the market. But most of the time, we are drinking highly sweetened drinks like coffee and tea, artificial fruit juices and high fat milks that we can easily buy from coffee shops or to your grocery stores.Keep in mind that the most important part of a whole food diet is to limit and get rid of refined sugars that are found in many of these drinks we take.
What do we usually have to start our day? The best two choices are coffee and tea. These are good early morning energy boosters. The trick is learning to make them yourselves.

Much has been written and said about the amazing health benefits of tea. When teas are properly brewed and made from high quality leaves, there is no need to add sugar to make it taste good. There are different kinds of teas that you can buy in the market nowadays. Loose tea is made from larger a leaf which usually has less bitter taste. When teas are less bitter, you don’t need to add sugar or you just need lesser amount of sugar. We also have teas in teabags. The main difference between loose teas and bagged teas is the size of the leaves. That’s what affects the resulting cup of tea. Tea leaves contain chemicals and essential oils, which are the basis for the delightful flavor of tea. When the tea leaves are broken up, those oils can evaporate, leaving a dull and tasteless tea. Typical tea bags are filled with the tiniest pieces of broken leaves, called fannings. Loose teas are typically whole leaves or at least large pieces of leaves. Moreover, black tea has the most caffeine, which many wants to drink in the morning. While green and white teas have less caffeine, these are used for dieting and losing weight. Many herbal teas are sold on the market too. It comes with different kinds of health benefits to choose from.

Another kind of morning energy boosters which most people can’t start their day without this is the coffee.Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages with a rich and interesting history. Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks after water. Coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world after oil. Over 1400 million cups of coffee are drunk around the world each day. The majority of coffee is consumed at breakfast.

Most people think that coffee taste terrible if without cream and sugar in it because of its bitter taste. Little did we know that old coffee taste terrible without them. The popular coffee beans get their flavors from the essential oils that are released when they are ground and break down quickly. It taste best when used 2-3 months after roasting it. While it is best to use ground coffee within a few minutes after grinding.

The better way to healthier coffee is to buy the fresh beans and grind it yourself. Coffee stores will tell you on how to roast your whole coffee beans- you can have it light or dark. You may now start making your own coffee and have it taste the way you want it. Coffee making could well be considered an art.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Vegetable Drink - Just Drink It

Vegetable Drink would be the greatest technique to consume high amounts of vegetables and fruits through the entire day. Organically produced veggies may be one of the most mineralizing and also the most effective of dishes if they are not necessarily the quite ideal tasting. You are able to determine what mixture of fruits and vegetables would taste greatest and supply the proper nutrition.

see vegetables nutrition boosts the body's defense mechanism and promotes cardio health. It also helps in cancer prevention as well as curing degenerative conditions. Seaweeds provide you with remarkable levels of nutrients and come with a lot of health benefits. All of us should make these types of amazing ingredients part of our diet.

Vegetable Drink generally is a beverage created usually of mixed fruit and vegetables. Vegetable drink is often combined with fruits like tomatoes as well as grapes for boosting the taste. It really is endorsed as a low-sugar substitute for juices, however some commercial famous brands of veggie juices utilize fruit juices as sweeteners, and may even contain huge amounts of sodium.

Absolutely nothing is a lot more enjoyable or maybe is much more energizing than the usual big glass of Vegetable Drink. It takes only a couple of minutes also it gives the physique a whole lot of rewards for any wonderful time frame.Arlie Marshall has been in the field of Vegetable Drink for a long time and maintains a website about Carrot Juice Benefits where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Raw Food Difference

How do you lose weight, gain energy, and feel better than you ever have before? It’s simple. Eat raw, high energy foods all the time. Raw food will help you burn more calories, heal your body, and provide you with long lasting energy throughout the day. That is why I recommend a raw food diet to just about every one.

Not only should you start eating raw right away, there are certain high energy foods you absolutely shouldn’t be without. These are foods that provide a maximum amount of nutrition and energy, helping you burn away fat and finally be rid of your constant feeling of exhaustion. You should try to eat one of these each day.

As I’ve said before on this blog, I’m not offering you a diet. A diet is a temporary solution to a lifestyle problem. I am offering you a new lifestyle; one based in health, nature, and a new relationship to food. When you choose eating for energy food, instead of the processed, cooked, sugary foods most people eat today, you choose a whole new way forward.

Only once you begin can you fully realize the raw food difference. It is truly incredible, but no one can understand it without actually experiencing it for themselves. If you are still having doubts, why not try eating raw for just a few days? You may notice you feel hungry, or have cravings for salts and sugars, but you will also notice that you have a lot more energy, are more mentally alert, and that you experience fewer aches and pains. You will see for yourself how raw food high energy foods can totally change your life.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Be Careful! Fast Food Effects on Health

Fast food is cheap, convenient, filling, and to many of us it tastes good. If you are eating out, a fast food restaurant is often the cheapest option, but unfortunately not a healthy one. Eating just one fast food meal can pack enough calories, sodium and fat for an entire day or more. Eating fast food on a regular basis can lead to a host of different health problems, both physical and psychological.
Still, in a bad economy the quick-and-cheap temptation can often be hard to resist. As an informed customer, though, you can make healthier choices and still enjoy the price and convenience of fast food restaurants.

Well, plenty "“ fast food is all good tasting, except that it is not nutritionally balanced and, therefore, unhealthy in the long run if consumed on a regular basis.
Fast food is loaded with calories from refined sugar and fats (especially, the artery-clogging saturated and hydrogenated fats, which are repeatedly reheated to high temperatures for frying purposes).
It is also very high in sodium, coming from common salt and other additives. On top of all this, fast food is deficient in dietary fiber and essential micro-nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
To make matters worse, heaps of fast food are normally guzzled down with gallons of sugar-rich colas which many fast-food restaurants serve free with food as an incentive.
To make a long story short, all this results in piling up of unused empty calories in the body, which get stored as body fat "“ till one day you look in the mirror and realize that your great figure has been replaced by this creature in the mirror.

But that's not the end of the story, it's just the beginning "“ consuming too much fast food not only turns a handsome guy into an unsightly obese man, but as Eric Schlosser points out in his book it is a big health hazard too.
And being physically inactive only adds to the problem of obesity. Not many people who love fast food are ready to acknowledge that obesity is not simply an eyesore "“ it is a major risk factor for a large number of deadly diseases like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and even many types of cancers.
Recent scientific studies have shown that high-calorie foods rich in fats, refined sugar and salt could reconfigure the hormones in the body in such a way that they make you crave for such foods and always leave you asking for more.
In other words, fast food is kind of addictive; you get hooked on to it and continue consuming it in an uncontrolled way in spite of knowing that it is unhealthy. The more you consume, the more difficult it is for you to opt for healthy foods.
The situation is worse in case of children who from a very young age get hooked on fast food. Making them change their food habits from fatty and sweet foods and develop a taste for health-promoting fruits and vegetables is a task easier said than done. Such children would grow up to be obese adults who have never felt the advantages of being a healthy weight.
To sum up, consuming fast food on a regular basis leads to many health hazards. But bringing about changes in eating habits is not easy.
To start with, a simple change that one could make is to successively reduce the frequency of eating fast food and eat more frequently home-cooked food, with plenty of fresh foods and vegetables.
If your a female there is a great free suport group called Diet Bug. They are there to encourage and help you.
Slowly your taste will change and your body will respond with new found energy.That doesn't mean you can never have fast food again. All it means is that you cut the fast food way back. I still occasionally(once a month)will have my #1 at McDonalds. Big Mac Rules!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fried Food Is Bad For Your Health

People addicted to fried foods may need to change their diet because of the damages it causes the body. While it may be pretty much difficult to correct the addiction, experts say the dangers are better avoided than to rely on drugs when the body develops problem.

Research consistently shows that fried fats cause cancer and hardening of arteries. When foods are fried, they are burnt. The chemistry of oil changes considerably when oil is fried into smoke. The chemically changed molecules do not fit precisely into the biochemical architecture of our body. The chemically changed molecules interfere with how the cells function, which we experience as health problems. Nature never contained fried food, so the body never needed to develop means for metabolizing scorched molecules.
Cancer and hardened arteries are the result of failure - the body's inability to deal with these altered molecules.
Research has shown that cooks who spend time with frying pans have higher incidence of lung cancer, also the oils best for our health are those rich in the essential fatty acids which becomes toxic when fried. Frying temperatures also damage hard, stable, saturated fats and butter.
If health is what we want, water is the only oil appropriate for frying. We are back to steaming our foods.
The refining and deodorizing of oils produces colorless, odorless, tasteless and almost nutrition-less oils. Apart from a few, the oils that line supermarkets shelves have gone through processing where they are treated by harsh processes. While processing, some of the fatty acid molecules are changed chemically into toxic molecules that interfere with normal biochemical interactions between molecules necessary for normal cell function, thus interfering with health. Some of the fatty acid molecules are destroyed in the process.
We can only speculate with the concern on the damage to future generations what fried oils may cause, and on the possible involvement on the mutations that lead to the new and incurable genetic conditions that are being discovered more and more in children.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is your water safe?

Fracking is currently used in 90 percent of the nation’s natural gas and oil wells. The practice makes drilling possible in areas that 10 to 20 years ago would not have been profitable. Hydraulic Fracturing involves injecting water, sand, and a cocktail of chemicals at high pressure into rock formations thousands of feet below the surface. This opens existing fractures in the rock and allows gas to rise through the wells.
Many of the chemicals used in shale gas drilling, such as benzene, are hazardous. Long-term exposure to such chemicals can have serious health consequences. Because the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 exempted hydraulic fracturing from regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act, shale gas drillers don’t have to disclose what chemicals they use.
Despite their attempts to keep the make-up of fracking fluids secret, we do know something about what they contain. A recent study conducted by Theo Colburn​, PhD, the director of the Endocrine Disruption Exchange in Paonia, Colorado, has so far identified 65 chemicals that are probable components of the injection fluids used by shale gas drillers. These chemicals included benzene, glycol-ethers, toluene, 2-(2-methoxyethoxy) ethanol, and nonylphenols. All of these chemicals have been linked to health disorders when human exposure is too high.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ramsay recipes in good food and wine show in Sydney

  I mentioned the show of Gordon Ramsay at the Good Food and Wine Show last weekend only briefly. The three course dinner he

  cooked in 30 minutes looked just too tasty as not to try it, and I gave it a go yesterday night. My recipes are certainly not exactly the same as I was working from memory. I can tell you though that the soup was marvelous, and so was the lamb. The pecorino in the salad gives this extra touch, and the mingled tastes of the balsamic sauce, the lemon, the onion etc go really well together. D’Arenbergs Laughing Magpie

  Shiraz Viognier 200X went well with the dish and added its part to a great dinner. The desert is awaiting judgment, we had eaten enough after the main and decided to postpone it to the weekend. I nevertheless add the recipe as I remember it, but beware, I did not try it yet…with these ingredients not much can go wrong though.
Chorizo soup:
2 chorizos (the small ones)
1 red onion
1 clove of garlic
1 can of butter beans
1 pack of cherry tomatoes
1 bunch of continental parsley
sea salt
Slice the chorizos, dice the onion and cut the cherry tomatoes in quarters. Fry the chorizo in a hot pan with a minimum amount of olive oil (the chorizo contains enough fat). After about 3 minutes add the diced onion and the garlic (garlic press). Fry the mixture until the chorizo and the oil have a nicely dark colour. Add the tomatoes, butter beans and a first portion of parsley (as Gordon Ramsay said, chop it only once and add it…), fry a bit longer at medium heat. The mixture should smell magnificently now! Add water (at least cover the mixture – I filled my 20cm diameter pan half way up, that’s about 1.5-2L) and simmer at low heat. After 10 minutes add some more parsley. Simmer some more minutes, add sea salt and pepper to you liking and serve in small bowls, finishing off, again, by adding parsley on top.
Lamb leg steak with balsamic sauce on salad bed
500g green round beans
1 red onion
100g Italian pecorino
1 lemon
4 lamb leg steaks, 2 cm thick
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
sea salt
Take the lamb out of the fridge a few hours before cooking. Gordon mentioned that meat with homogeneous temperature will be cooked much more regularly than if the core is still cold. Marinate the lamb leg steaks in olive oil with pressed garlic, sea salt and pepper and put them aside. Time to prepare the salad. Top and tail the green beans and thinly slice the red onion. Boil the beans in salt water. When they are cooked but still al dente add the sliced onions and after a minute collect beans and onion in a colander, rinse with cold water and dab dry. Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl and add the grated pecorino and the grated zest of a lemon. The dressing consists of olive oil, the juice of half a lemon with salt and pepper. Prepare the salad as small piles on the middle of the plates, sprinkle the dressing on top.
Transfer the lamb with the marinade to a hot frying pan and close the pores of the meat on every side at full heat. Gordon Ramsay was pointing out that every side really means every side, that is, also the sides…confusing enough? Tilt the pan away from you to get the oil in contact with the short sides of the steaks. Fry the steaks for two minutes per side. Continue by adding a few table spoons of good quality balsamic vinegar. Simmer for a bit and give the sauce the final touch by adding torn apart mint leaves and at the very end a small piece of butter. Let the meat rest for five minutes and cut the steaks into thick slices. Serve them on top of the salad bed, cover with balsamic sauce.
“Fancy French toast”
old raisin bread
1-2 eggs
1 passion fruit (or more considering the size they are in Australia at the moment…)
200 g ricotta
100 g mascarpone
strawberries / raspberries
Mix ricotta, mascarpone and possibly the grated zest of a lemon. Add the egg to a bowl and turn the raisin bread only very quickly in the egg mass. The surface of the bread should be covered, but the dry bread should not start absorbing the egg. Fry the bread on both sides in a stick free frying pan – the colour should be golden, not black

  . Arrange a slice of the fried bred on a plate, spread some passion fruit on top and add a spoon of the mascarpone/ricotta mass. Decorate with strawberries or raspberries.
In the meantime I have also tried the dessert, and it was delicious, same as the other two courses. I must say, this gives a very nice meal without much effort! Here’s the picture of the dessert:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A taste of our Italian American spaghetti and meat lidia Bastianich

  Lidia Bastianich is widely considered the queen of Italian cooking, and with good reason: her recipes have taken us from the most authentic dishes of the Italian countryside to the most beloved dishes of her family kitchen. In her latest book, Lidia’s Italy in America, Lidia and her daughter Tanya Bastianich Manuali take us on their most exciting journey yet: a road trip across America, into the heart of Italian American cooking today. As Lidia shows us, every kitchen and community has produced something different, with little clues hidden in each dish: the Sicilian-style semolina bread of the New Orleans Muffuletta sandwich, the crunchy Neapolitan crust of New York pizza, and the multitudes of breadcrumb-stuffed vegetables that came to our shores long before fresh peppers or tomatoes ever did. “Food, after all, is the blueprint of who we are,” says Lidia. “The food of our culture gives us strength and identity as a group and as individuals…Today, this country’s Italians are truly as American as apple pie, but they have also held on to the traditions of their heritage.”
Italian American food has its own distinct culinary traditions, and its own special flavors. So to feature those flavors, what better dish to make than spaghetti and meatballs, complete with a side of crispy garlic bread? Sit down to a table with these dishes and you end up devouring not only a fantastic meal, but also a history of American cuisine that evolved out of necessity, ingenuity, and a love for delicious food.

baked meatballs
  Start your meal by getting your garlic bread ready to go–in Italy, this dish was called bruschetta or fett’unta, an appetizer that took leftover bread and put it to good use with a coating of olive oil and fresh garlic. In America, this became garlic bread, and rarely do you find an Italian restaurant that leaves it off the menu. For Lidia’s version, peel a few cloves of garlic and let them soak in a small bowl of olive oil for 30 minutes (to let the garlic flavor soak into the oil).
Time to start your meatballs! (Lidia’s recipe makes a lot of meatballs, making three extra quarts, so you can either scale the recipe down by half, or just make a big batch and freeze the rest.) Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Get out your food processor and pulse together some carrot, celery, and onion until they make a fine-textured paste, or pestata. (This will help keep the meatballs light and juicy.)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Your food with the basic knowledge of drinks

  When discussing pairing drinks with food recently, a friend said to me, "pairing in general is completely subjective and bogus. In reality, perception and attitude have far more to do with a successful pairing than flavor anyway."
What an interesting idea! But I don't agree. Sure, perception is different for everyone, and sure, your expectations will shape how anything you eat or drink tastes. But we shouldn't discard the idea of pairing because of that—there's just too much deliciousness to lose.
Pairing Isn't Snobby, You Do It All the Time
I'd like to dispel the myth that those who think about which beverages will go best with their food are snobs, that thinking about pairing is only for people who hold their pinkies up when they drink tea. As food lovers, we think about pairing all the time.
Let's say you have a brownie. It's deep and chocolaty and just a little sweet. You could put a scoop of ice cream on it, or a drizzle of hot fudge. You could add some berries, or a raspberry sauce, or a little salted caramel, or quite a few other delicious things. But would you add garlicky pesto? Would you add tomato-and-onion salsa? Would you add melted cheddar cheese? Probably not. The flavors wouldn't taste good together; that pesto would ruin your brownie, and the other way around. What a waste.
It's not snobby to want what you eat and what you drink to taste good together. When you season a dish, or add a sauce, you're thinking about combining flavors that taste good together. You add a squeeze of lime to balance a dish, or you add a pinch of cumin. There's not just one way to spice your chili, and there's not just one drink to pair with your french fries (Milkshakes? Of course. Sparkling wine? Totally.)
But it's worth taking two seconds to think about whether a particular drink will go with what you're eating, whether it will make the food taste better, and whether it will make the drink taste better, or whether both will be diminished. If you like food, it makes sense that you'd want to improve it with what you're drinking. And that's where the miraculous happens: sometimes flavors in solid form and flavors in liquid form come together to create a third, delicious, set of flavors, bringing out something you wouldn't taste if you hadn't tried them together.
Drink What You Like
People often say, "Just drink what you like, forget about the rules."
Sure. If you hate a certain drink, you likely won't love it with your food. (Though a great combination might surprise you.) But take 'drinking what you like' as a first step, and then think about when to drink it.

  What're you drinking with that raw fish? [Photograph: Cue in the Sun on Shutterstock]
Say you have a bottle of your favorite Cabernet in the fridge. Fantastic! But should you drink it the night you're having lamb chops, or the night you're having sushi? Chances are one combination will make you say 'wow,' and compliment the cook, and the other might feel a little fishy.